Monday, April 4, 2011

The Beginning of my Favorite Season. DEJA VU.

It's that time of year again! :) Spring Training is about to start, and that makes me so excited for next football season (which everyone already knows). I wasn't planning on doing any photos of the football until the annual Husky Games, but I was convinced otherwise. Zach B convinced me to come out to something the guys did, and it was called "Deja Vu." Of course, I wasn't going to say no, I'm always up for photographing these guys. They may not know it, but they all mean a lot to me, and I consider them family! They all give me picture suggestions, and most of them work! They're awesome, and they're going to have a fantastic year! I can't wait to be out on those sidelines with them again! :) BRING THE HAMMER GUYS!