Sunday, November 28, 2010

Shawna B, Senior

Shawna and I have been friends since we were in about 3rd grade! She's always been the nicest person to me, and she's always been a great friend. When she called to schedule a session, I knew right then it would be super fun! She has one of the best personalities ever, and it was so easy to photograph her! We spent most of the day together on her session, going place to place, and laughing at the random things we did. From sitting on the benches at Linn Park with people staring at her and taking videos with their cell phones of us, to standing in the streets of downtown Birmingham hoping we wouldn't get ran over in the process. Shawna is a cheerleader, and a great one at that! We spent probably a good 20 minutes at the football field taking her cheerleading pictures. I love taking people to the home field, it makes such a big difference! Her session was one of the most fun, and I'm so glad she decided to go the places we did. Thank you Shawna for letting me capture these memories for you! You are awesome!

1 comment:

  1. i apologize it took me so long to comment on this. i just want to let you know how AMAZING you are. i'm so blessed to have you as such a close friend. not only is your photography incredible (seriously, you have such a gift), but you're on the BEST friends god has given me. you're going to go so far in life, and i'm so thankful to have been a part of the start of it. thank you so much for being so wonderful that day with my mouth KILLING me and all. you're absolutely fantastic and i love you to deat and this blog makes me tear up everytime i read it. :)
